Dr. Solange Charas has been quantifying the material impact of human capital on corporate performance and ROI for over 30 years. She has completed over 70 human capital due diligence efforts for M&As and is an expert in the human capital disclosures that are required by a variety of ESG governance frameworks, SEC, EFRAG, and ISO.

In her corporate career, Solange served as CHRO for three global public companies and as National Director for both Ernst and Young and Arthur Andersen. She became a sought-after expert in salary design and administration, including base salary, annual and long-term incentive design, and materiality analysis, and has created a proprietary technology that quantifies the impact of DEI and other human capital metrics on the bottom line.

Solange is an Adjunct Professor in the Human Capital Master’s Programs at Columbia, USC, and NYU, a Distinguished Principal Research Fellow at The Conference Board, and a frequent speaker on human capital governance issues. She is co-author of the book Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Returns and has been published or cited in over 200 publications, including Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Agenda Magazine, Financier Worldwide, Fast Company, USA Today, LA Times, Boston Globe, and Entrepreneur Magazine.

Solange holds a Ph.D. in Management from Case Western Reserve University’s School of Management, an M.B.A. in Accounting and Finance from Cornell University’s Graduate School of Management, and a B.A. in International Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Measure Success Throughout (Final)

Our proprietary assessments measure change readiness and impact. From there, we drive behavior change through strategy, roadmaps, vision/mission alignment, training, executive coaching, change management, program management, and process improvement. Here is a map of our methodology.

  • Conduct Discovery
  • Define Vision and Mission
  • Align Sponsors and Champions
  • Define Success Measures
  • Develop Communication Strategy
  • Align Systems and Processes
  • Mobilize Teams to Execute the Change
  • Define Charters for Each Workstream
  • Communicate Change to the Organization
  • Train the Organization
  • Create Open Feedback Channels
  • Develop Change Playbooks and Toolkits
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

Baseline Pre-Change:

  • Change Readiness Survey
  • Process Gap Analysis
  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Talent Assessment

Talent During Change:

  • Change Adoption Assessment
  • Leadership Dashboard
  • Support Requests Trends and Metrics
  • Benefit Realization and ROI
  • Employee Participation Measures
  • Compliance and Utilization Reports

Impact Post-Change:

  • Organizational & Individual Performance
  • Satisfaction Surveys
  • Training Participation and Impact
  • Communication Effectiveness